Bishacagaaran: 17-April-2024: In the heart of Mogadishu, where the bustling streets met the historic walls of the Somali National University, Mary Abukar stood beneath the scorching sun, her eyes fixed on the barren landscape that stretched before her. As a student leader, she had always harbored a deep-seated belief in the power of small actions to bring about significant change. And on this particular day, she was determined to turn that belief into reality.

With a vision as vast as the Somali plains and a determination as resilient as the acacia trees that once adorned them, Mary rallied her fellow students. Together, they embarked on a mission to transform their university campus into an oasis of greenery and life.

Underneath the sweltering heat, hands clasped shovels and hearts brimmed with hope. The students dug into the hardened earth, each scoop symbolizing their commitment to a brighter, greener future for Somalia. As the first sapling took root, it seemed as though the very spirit of resilience that coursed through the veins of the Somali people had found a new home in the soil.

With each tree planted, Mary’s belief in the power of collective action only grew stronger. She knew that these trees were more than just symbols of growth; they were beacons of hope, casting shade for generations to come. For in the shade of these trees, she envisioned students studying, laughing, and dreaming of a Somalia where prosperity bloomed as abundantly as the foliage around them.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the newly planted trees, Mary stood back and marveled at what they had accomplished. It was not just a tree-planting event; it was a testament to the resilience and determination of a generation unwilling to accept the status quo.
In the days and weeks that followed, the campus buzzed with life once more. Students sought solace beneath the shade of the trees, their laughter mingling with the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. And as the years passed, the trees grew tall and strong, their branches reaching ever skyward, a reminder of the boundless potential that lay within each and every student.
Mary Abukar had dared to dream of a greener, brighter future for Somalia, and with each tree planted, that dream took root, anchoring itself firmly in the soil of the Somali National University. And though the road ahead was fraught with challenges, Mary and her fellow students knew that as long as they stood together, their roots would remain unshakable, their branches reaching ever towards the promise of a better tomorrow.